Money & Career Mastery: From Overwhelm to Ownership
Are you feeling stuck in the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, juggling debt, career decisions, and family goals while longing for financial freedom?
Welcome to the podcast that helps you take control of your finances, align your career with your values, and build a legacy for your family.
Hosted by Laura Sexton, Abundance & Legacy Coach, this podcast is your go-to resource for actionable advice, simple strategies, and motivational insights. Together, we’ll tackle the overwhelm of personal finances, optimize income, and design a life of freedom and purpose.
This show will provide answers to questions like:
- How do I create a budget and stick to it?
- Should I save or invest?
- What is debt consolidation, and should I consolidate my debt?
- How much should I save for retirement?
- What’s the best way to pay off debt?
- How can I maximize my income and career opportunities?
- How do I start building generational wealth?
- What is a 401(k), as is it the same as an IRA?
- How do I successfully transition from a 9-5 to entrepreneurship?
In each episode, you’ll learn how to:
- Pay off debt without sacrificing your lifestyle.
- Maximize your income and career opportunities.
- Navigate career changes and pivot toward entrepreneurship.
- Build generational wealth through intentional choices.
- Break free from financial stress and live with confidence.
If you're ready to move from overwhelmed to empowered, ditch the 9-5, and own your financial future, this is the podcast for you!
Subscribe now and start your journey to money and career mastery today.
Money & Career Mastery: From Overwhelm to Ownership
110. Break Free from the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle: A Step-by-Step Plan
Feeling stuck in the exhausting cycle of living paycheck to paycheck? You’re not alone—40% of Americans struggle financially, and 89% experience anxiety about day-to-day money decisions. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to stay trapped in this cycle.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing the exact steps you need to take to escape financial stress and start thriving. Drawing from my own experience—years of financial frustration and reckless spending—I’ll help you shift your mindset, create a budget that aligns with your values, and take control of your money once and for all.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
✅ The crucial decision that changes everything.
✅ How to uncover your deep ‘why’ and use it to stay motivated.
✅ Practical steps to create a realistic budget and prioritize essentials.
✅ The importance of tracking spending (without the overwhelm).
✅ Why habit-stacking can help you stay consistent.
🚀 Ready to take action? Join my Better Budget Bootcamp and create a budget that actually works for your family in just 15 minutes a day!
💬 Need personal guidance? Let’s chat! Click the Money Mastery Program.
It’s time to stop living in scarcity and start building a legacy. Let’s do this together!
Learn more about working with Laura Sexton
· Become a master with your money. Learn more here!
· Checkout the resource library here!
Want to ask a question Laura can answer on the podcast? Connect with her here!
Send an email to Laura@AccelerateYourLegacy.com or send a DM on Instagram @accelerateyourlegacy
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hello and welcome to money and career mastery from overwhelmed to ownership. I'm Laura Sexton, your abundance and legacy coach here to help you navigate the world of money, debt payoff, and career growth with confidence and clarity. In this podcast, we'll tackle the financial and career challenges, holding you back, optimize your income and build the freedom that comes with true ownership. If you're ready to break free from overwhelm, create a budget that aligns with your values and design a legacy that empowers future generations. You're in the right place. Hello, accelerators. I am so excited to be talking to you today about how to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. This is a stressful and frustrating way to live. And trust me, I know because I lived it for a Decade sometimes when you're in the middle of that paycheck to paycheck cycle, the only thing you want to do is just go out and spend money and it just exasperates the problem. You guys, please reach out to me if you can relate to that because I want to know that I'm not alone out there. When I was living paycheck to paycheck, I was working in Hollywood and I was working as an actress and some days I was just so frustrated with my financial situation that I was like, I'm just going to go out to eat with my friends and I'll put it on a credit card because I don't care right now. Now, of course, this came back to bite me frequently, and it just made the problem worse. So instead of making the problem worse, I want to help you get out of that cycle. Let's stop living in the ick, and let's start thriving. Paycheck to paycheck is something that a lot of Americans Can relate to 40 percent of Americans say they struggle financially. I just read a statistic in betterment. com. It's their annual report. And they said 89 percent of employees experience anxiety about day to day finances. That number is way too high. And let me tell you, it is not just normal employees that are on the average income scale of sixty to a hundred thousand dollars. No, I have clients that make two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. A year that are still living paycheck to paycheck because they allow themselves to grow beyond their means. They allow themselves to let lifestyle creep happen. But what we need to do is we need to bring it back to reality. Start living below our means. And that's what this podcast aims to do today. Today I'm going to give you a comprehensive plan to break free from the cycle. Let's escape this paycheck to paycheck cycle. I don't want you living in this anymore. So the first thing we're going to have to do you're going to have to decide. You have to decide that you don't want to live this way anymore. When I look back on my story, the day that I decided I wasn't living this way anymore is the day that my life changed. It wasn't when I finalized my last payment. It was when I chose to not live this way anymore. Let today be that day for you. Decide that you don't want to live in the paycheck to paycheck cycle. And then come along this ride with me as we break you out of it. So now that you've decided that you aren't going to live this way anymore. Your next big mindset shift is to understand your why you have to connect your goals, your financial freedom, security for your family, your desire to travel, whatever it is, you have to connect that goal to what you value. Now, this can be a little difficult to think about on the first level. If somebody says, well, why do you want to get out of debt? Your answer could be I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck. That's great. Why are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Your reasoning it's personal finance, right? It's a hundred percent personal. So why are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Maybe you're tired of waking up in the middle of the night sweating because you're stressed about money Maybe you're tired of having to work so that you can pay somebody else. Maybe you're tired. Like what are you tired of? What are you sick of? What are you done with? And then let's go down the why rabbit hole I say, why do you want to get out of debt? And you say, I want to stop living paycheck to paycheck. And I say, why? And you say, I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night. And I say, why? And you say, because I would really like to sleep better. And I say, why? And you say, because when I'm tired and cranky, I'm not a good spouse or parent. And I say, well, why does that matter? And you say, because my ultimate goal is to teach my children how to behave and how to be a good whole adult. It's a pretty big why is breaking the paycheck to paycheck cycle, something you want to do because you want to help your children have a better life? Buying them things and giving them every experience they ever asked for. That's not helping them become a better human. teaching them to connect with their values and their why, that is a much better investment. So you've decided you're going to make a change. You understand why you want to make a change. Now you have to let go of any limiting beliefs that you have. Things like people like me don't. The little man can't get ahead. Any of these negative thoughts that come in your mind, I don't make enough to. They're all lies. It's not true. People like you get ahead all the time. Now, if you are living in a situation where everybody around you tells you, no, you'll never make it, you'll never make it. You need to get out of that crab bucket. I don't know if you guys know this, but if there's a bucket full of crabs and one of them starts to get out, all the other crabs will grab them and pull them back down. Look at the people around you. Are they lifting you up or are they pulling you back down? So what are the practical steps to escape the cycle? Well, the first one, and you know what I'm gonna say, because it's a my favorite. Creating a realistic budget. Focus in on simplicity and the essentials. Make sure that you have your food, that's groceries, shelter, transportation, and utilities covered. Once those are done, everything else underneath that is a nice to have. Necessities are covered. Then the things that are the highest on your family values. You can have two to three here. Then the debt payments. And then everything else. It's Netflix. It's anything extra. Now, when we're talking about those family values, those essentials for your family, For my family, it's two things. My kids are in private school, they're in a private Christian school right now, and my husband has to be able to go to the gym. Those are two things. He needs that for his mental health. That's fine. So for our family values, those are non negotiables. Those are in our budget and they come first. After that, we make sure debt's paid off and then you put in the nice to haves and the things like that that are not required, but that we want to make sure that we are taking care of. Now, if you're paying debt down aggressively, Then we're not going to have a whole lot of nice to haves in our budget. We're just not. You also want to make sure that you have at least a starter emergency fund of 1, 000. This is to create a safety net for unexpected expenses. Most unexpected expenses are going to be under 1, 000. If it's over 1, 000, we're going to have to adjust our plan and that's okay. We can either cut back on our extra debt or we can sell something around the house. We can make sure that emergency gets covered. Without having to go backwards into more debt, we are trying to be strategic here. Once you have the budget and the starter emergency fund, you want to make sure that you are tracking your spending. So you need to be tracking every expense for 30 to 90 days to gain actual clarity on where it is you're spending your money. Because it's one thing to make a budget and say, well, this is totally realistic. I was listening to a podcast recently where a lady had forgotten in her budget that tithing was something that they do. Tithing is just part of her natural rhythm and she didn't even think about it when she was creating her budget, but that's 10 percent of your paycheck. We got to put that in there. So let's. Look at what we're actually spending. Not, I think I spend 100 a month on restaurants and then you go back and you look at what you've actually spent over the last three to six months and you realize, no, it was closer to 1, 200 a month. Yeah, that was me when I started, by the way. So I would like for you to commit to 30 to 90 days of tracking every single expense. If that gets really annoying for you, I suggest using your debit card a lot less, spending less money, and then you have less to track, and it's a win win. Identify anything not essential. And redirect that money towards your savings or your debt payoff. I promise this is going to be incredibly important because once you're not making debt payments, that's extra money in your budget that you get to put towards the things you value as opposed to paying for past decisions. So I really want you to create a consistent habit of Paying attention to where your spending is going. But for right now, why don't you go ahead and pair this new financial habit with an existing routine. James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, calls this habit stacking. So Let's say you have coffee every morning. Well, when you sit down to your coffee, just go ahead and track your expenses, especially if you're using something like EveryDollar or YNAB or Monarch. Then, you need to schedule a weekly check in to evaluate your progress and adjust your budget as needed. If you are married, you do this with your spouse. If you are not married, you need an accountability partner. And if that needs to be me, I'm very happy to let it be me. I can come up with many stories of clients that I have worked with that have stopped living paycheck to paycheck and started living abundantly. But I'm thinking of one couple in particular right now. He is a firefighter. And so, you know, he has been very busy out here in California and they've been dealing with all of these crazy, insane wildfires. And you know what he doesn't have to worry about when he's fighting the fires? If something happens to me, is my family going to be taken care of? If he got to a place where he wasn't working at all? Something happened to him while he was working. He had to be off the job for six months. Would his family be taken care of? Yes, absolutely, they would because they no longer owe anything to anyone. They're not in the paycheck to paycheck cycle. Every time he gets a paycheck, his money goes towards savings, his money goes towards investing, his money goes towards things that they value. And the things that they want to spend their money on instead of going to debt payments. Focusing in on these practical steps, they achieved their debt free desire. So now, Accelerators, I'm going to just encourage you to track your expenses for 30 days and commit to one small change. If you were like, I know I want to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, but I can't get past these limiting beliefs. I can't get past the fact that I've never learned this and I should know it and the negative talk. If there's any negative talk in your mind. About finances. Let's have a conversation. If you were desperate for financial freedom and security for your family, let's have a conversation. Scroll down in the show notes and click on the money mastery program button and it will schedule a time for us to talk. Send me an email. Laura at accelerate your legacy. Send me a DM on Instagram at accelerate your legacy. Let's have a conversation because I promise you, you can escape this paycheck to paycheck cycle. And if you've never made a budget before and you're looking for a realistic budget, the easiest way to do this is by jumping over to my website, accelerateyourlegacy. com slash resources and clicking on the better budget bootcamp button. If you will give me just 15 minutes a day for five days, I promise that you will have a budget that is based on your family's value and will help you get to your desired future we're going to stop living in scarcity and start living in abundance. Oh, friends, Accelerators, I'm so thankful that you took the time to listen to this story today, and hopefully it helps you feel encouraged and inspired to leave the paycheck to paycheck cycle and start thriving in the way that you value most. All right, Accelerators, go out, make a difference. thank you for spending time with us today on Money and Career Mastery from Overwhelm to Ownership. Remember, your legacy isn't just about financial freedom. It's about living with purpose, taking action, and building a foundation that lasts for generations. Don't just listen, implement what you've learned and share it with someone who could use a financial or career breakthrough. If you found value in today's episode, help us grow by rating, reviewing, and sharing the podcast. I'll be back next week with more strategies to help you master your money and career. Until then take ownership of your future and build your legacy with intention.